A woman who is bright, brilliant and outshines everyone to reduce them to violence to compete, which she is good at, and better than them too.

A beautiful light, a beautiful girl. blessed by God.
" Oh my ! Terra is so Heem, she shines like radiant starlight in the sky!"
"I wish I was like Terra! She is so perfect and heem!"
"Wish my asshole , my only strength was as beautiful as Terra, I just wish I would heem my asshole to compete with Terra!"
by BrightLightBlessed September 17, 2022
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The creamy, unsanitary residue that builds up between the thigh and ballsack (sometimes stretching to the taint) of a man with horrible hygiene.
I had this nasty broad over last night, she gobbled the heem right off my grundle.
by knobgobblin February 4, 2021
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The ultimate player. Someone who can bag any bitch and who is slick and sly at everything. It is a compliment to be called heem
I’m really heem like that

Bruh you are hella heem like that Ong
by Jail on serious October 14, 2021
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Heem is a term for saying your really that guy, and can't be compared to no nigga.
Look at this nigga fit, he really heem.
by dineroisheem November 26, 2021
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To ask or describe something , someone or a situation in a good way
“ I went & chilled at this lil heem house “

“ As soon as my check hit I went & picked heem up”

“ Has anybody seen my 20 dollars , I dropped heem getting out the car”
by @dj.rongotti March 7, 2023
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The true way to define drinking Hennessy on a Friday.
I was so Heemed for heem day cuzzo
by DJ Finz January 13, 2023
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