The act of mounting a girl and aggressively thrusting into into her oral cavity whilst simultaneously reaching around with your non-dominant hand to finger her vagina as if you were a scorpion stinging it’s prey
“Hey, Bob did you satisfy that girl last night?”

“Of course, I fucked her face, but gave her the good old scorpion skull-fuck so she could enjoy it too. I’m not a selfish lover
by LastCupBT January 27, 2019
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V. The art of skull fucking in the asshole originated in the lower region of China when this little boy named kong ate a meat popatart and had a vision..
No one really knows what this is or how it's done, still a mystery left unsolved.
Kongfu: I skull fuck in the ass other day, then I skull fuck mom in ass newb.
by Koruptwon August 8, 2006
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When a bunch of snowflakes get together and skull fuck you.
I am coming to Idaho to blizzard skull fuck you. And you will not like it.
by Dilbert Skittelfish December 18, 2017
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Nigel, you seem to be wearing white shoes. It is past Labour Day!

Oh bothers Greggory, I seem to have skull fucked the Bering Strait.

Indeed so!
by El Fuego de la Pasión January 26, 2010
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When a zombie eats your eyeballs out and then fucks your eye sockets to death.
by Kitty Licker 666 January 20, 2014
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The act when you shimmy your head up someone’s butt hole
Damn dude I was skull fucking that chick last night. My whole head could fit up her ass.”
by Skullz4L April 8, 2023
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A more brutal variation of face fucking where instead of thrusting into your partner's mouth to reach gratification, the person getting blown grabs the head of their partner and violently pushes it up and down their shaft, most commonly by pulling their hair into a ponytail, although this can also be achieved by holding their head with both hands. This variation is seen as more brutal because of the risk violently jerking your partner's head can have on their neck, with whiplash being the most common injury.
"Hey, man, did you hear about Nika? She went to the hospital last night." "Yeah, dude, I'd heard about a fight between her and her boyfriend" "No, buddy, it's even crazier. He was skull fucking her, and she slipped a disk in her neck. She's going to need a brace for a month."
by Curare the defenestrator December 16, 2022
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