eshay normally means mad,awesome,sick
used mainly by lads it can also mean yes in pig latin.
lad 1 :check out these Tn's bra been earchin for a week to get tha cash for em

lad 2:eshays
by ameblay one January 4, 2009
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a young teenage person who hangs out a chatswood memorial, wears hype beast clothing and owns tns.
chloe and imi are such eshays. did you see chloes new tommy windbreaker, a true hype beast to the max
by imogenisbombass June 26, 2018
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Basically, a bunch of teenagers who smoke weed, carry shanks and talk tough to just about anyone. Hobbies include, robbing people for clothes, money, and other accessories . The nationalities that you will find with these people are, Islanders, Sudo's, Mali's, Lebos, Afghans and more.
Yo, did you hear about that (eshay) that robbed Mike?
Yeah, what a cunt.
by alitimestwo June 26, 2020
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Goding: hes the biggest of all eshays, this is the biggest eshay of all time.
If you meet an eshay you should leave the vicinity immediately
Boy: You see him over there he's such an alex
Girl: We should leave!
Boy:He is a giant eshay!!
by Crumpet trumpet March 26, 2019
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"eshays" or "eshay"
piglatin for the word "he's", as in "he is", but somewhere along the lines of time became its own word for pretty much anything...
originally used to inform others when a 'lad' is nearby.
Guy1: hey, look at that guy, eshays adlay!

Guy2: yeah, what a faggot.
by eshay icksay December 9, 2009
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