An old German onamonapia describing a mental breakdown due to having an incredibly small penis.
Donald: "Covfefe! Can you feel my penis yet!?"
Melania: "Nope."
by Travis Schluep May 31, 2017
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When the press notices how small and ineffectual your hands are, and makes fun of it.
by Covfefe May 31, 2017
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When you're an orange man in the white house and the staffer takes your phone out of your hands mid-tweet
by Rumph8r May 31, 2017
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The affinity that the mass media has for seeing through bullshit and relating actual facts.
The Chronicle covfefed the President's speech and found that only 4% was based on real things that actually exist.

also see: covfefeaphobia
by Ken Hardlarva May 31, 2017
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When your trying to write coverage but your hands are too tiny to hit all the keys right
by iLLusIoNz47 June 2, 2017
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That thing you say when you're in over your head and everyone on the planet knows it but you.
Despite all the negative covfefe.
by St James May 31, 2017
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