The only superpower that humans can possess.
Cancer-boy: DUDE my cells are growing out of control!!!!!!
by JJW00SH October 17, 2007
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1. A deadly disease that is caused by anything and can kill anyone. It comes in diffrent types of forms like lukemia(blood)ovarian,breast,lung,and just about anywhere else

2. A zodiac sign repersented by the crab and runs from June 21-July 22
1.Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

2.Some dude at party: Your a Cancer!

Some girl at party: Yep

Some dude at party: I'm a Sagittarius, let's fuck.
by Your Mom in a bikini July 9, 2006
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A statement lacking of facts that is easily absorbed and agreed upon causing it to spread radically to create an ignorant standard in society.
Person 1: "Being prejudice and being racist are two different things, therefore, you can't call me racist."

Person 2: "That statement is cancerous."
by MatterOfact August 25, 2018
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