When one has eaten Jumbalaya for supper, farts in bed and pulls the blankets up over spouce's head. (Very similar to a dutch oven)
Jeff gave Sue the old "cajun crockpot" last night.
by CosmicMuffins February 6, 2009
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"Aw fuck, cajun susie is here, guess there is going to be no sex unless you like ketchup on your hot dog."
"No but id like some chocolate on my p-tip"
"True, True"
by bobdole April 2, 2006
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Lickin' muff when Aunt Flo's in town.
I was surprised she didn't tell me about bad timing, but I'm always down for giving the ladies a Cajun Twinkie.
by Nutcracker Kate January 26, 2011
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When one buys Cajun Fries from Five Guys with the intent of emptying the fries from their cup, and replacing them with Coke, thus receiving a free beverage (granted, the coke is added to a cup still filled with the Cajun Fries' crumbs)
Pierre: "Bro, lemme see the cup in your Five Guys Cajun Fries bag."

Kane: "Why dude, what do you want it for?"

Pierre: "I'm thirsty, imma use it to get a Cajun Coke."

Kane: "Damn dude, that's genius."
by BigPimpDaddyDan February 6, 2011
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It's when your with your partner, and use tobasco or any other hot sauce. For guys its when you are giving oral sex to your partner and have tobasco sauce in your mouth or on finger, and put it on your partners anus. For girls its when you have tobasco sauce in your mouth and give oral sex to your partner. Either way it will make anyone go wild.
-Man last night I gave Kayla a ragun cajun.
-What happened?
-She went crazy!


-Last night I got back at Robert for cheating.
-I gave him a ragun cajun and he went screaming
by Robertz789 February 2, 2009
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Sexual finisher where you cum inside her then proceed to fist her like you're noodling for catfish.
Hit her with the cajun whitefist for a good time.
by Morrison75 February 3, 2010
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A girl lubes up your dick with icy hot and jerks you off, giving you a ragin cajun
by motoxdeath January 28, 2011
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