The lovely thing that everyone wants but cant seem to make, and if you can your a god among men,
By themselves they release a sensation like no other, but when you add weed it turns your sensation into a party in which no other can compare,
If you really want to know what brownies do to ya, ask the drop out across the street sellin weed
by Phatboislim September 19, 2009
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Brownies: After eating and digesting, your body is preparing to make brownies.

When you release your brownies, they are referred to as the "brownies are fresh out of the oven."

If you have diarrhea, the brownies are known as "messy" and you probably added too much milk to the brownie mixture.

Sometimes you flush your brownies, but some do not go all the way down. These are known as "brownie crumbs."

If your brownies are green in color, mint chocolate chip brownies were made.

If you happen to have had too much spicy food, your brownies come out of the oven a little to hot. Be careful.

*Note: Based on how often you pass gas and/or how bad it smells tells you that the brownies will be ready soon.
Oh, man! That lasagna was good! I'm going to be making brownies in about an hour though.

Uht oh. I had wayyy too many buffalo wings tonight! I am not looking forward to this brownie mixture later!

Dude! Your farts reek! What kinda brownies you got cookin' in there?!
by KidClever November 11, 2010
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When a person drops a bucket of shit on a persons head, then eats it while having sex with that person.
Last night I performed the Brownie on my sister.
by Windle suck her nuts April 12, 2021
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Where you get carried away and freely buy lots of alcohol and drugs for everyone on a big night out. Then wake up the next day with the grim realisation you spent a tonne of dosh on a bunch of people and not sure who, how or why. Then message everyone en masse to ask who owes you money for your excessive behaviour the night before.
Tony is chasing money for last night, he's pulling a Browny.
by gsar333 August 21, 2021
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A dude who, is one of the greatest forms of entertainment, both at his or someone else's expense
"Did you hear what Browny did last night? What a mad effort!!"
by Brownypaul January 17, 2009
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What people hide weed inside of
Bob: yo I feel weird after that brownie

Tim: Pretty sure that’s an edible
by Fsder January 13, 2020
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An inability to continue working due to lack of motivation
I've got the brownies
by CJCindy June 28, 2017
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