The finger a bum.
The word comes from the combination of the words bum and finger.
Mate, a girl crept into my room last night and bingered me!
by Bingmeister General May 21, 2013
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When a witness under cross examination owns an inept prosecutor
by mikkedj November 12, 2021
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"Binger"-(noun) an antisecond amendment beta male attorney, which suffers from flaccid penis syndrome, and self meditates by prosecuting true alpha males. Enjoys nights watching peaceful rioters set fires to small businesses, throwing rocks and homemade molatov cocktails at occupied family homes. Also a founder of the Convicted Pedo Hero Society.
Today I had a run in with one of the "BINGER'S" on the city council.
by UnicornFarts9623 November 16, 2021
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a pull , toke off a glass piece , or bong . usually refering to expensive marijuana .
bing bing son , its time for a binger . hey man , i'll turn you on to a binger if you do my dishes .
by keyser soce February 1, 2004
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Hey dude did you hit up that binger last night? the cops were called
by Hart Benland July 31, 2011
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A feminine man who has watched way too much pornography and can only get it up by being pegged by his girlfriend. Bingers have a superiority complex and can't focus on one point due to the dopamine in his brain being messed up from the years of porn use.
That prosecutor must be a binger. He cannot stay on point and always looks like he is pissed off
by SlightlyBased November 16, 2021
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