I went to her house to bash.
by T Kato October 22, 2003
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"i bashed last night while finkin of you innit"
by Dick September 29, 2004
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Irrestible male marine suit that can make any chick horny and gives good luck
To touch the marine's bashe.
by bashe saint-hilaire July 21, 2006
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Wabash Avenue in Terre Haute is a popular place for the average hautian to hang out. Usually, bashing is done by sitting on a couch ("sofa") in the back of your pickup and driving up and down the 'Bash, usually soliciting young women to flash their breasts.
Dude, I got a new futon... wanna grab the truck and go bashin?
by pinano October 31, 2004
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From the French "bâche", literally a canvas sheet.
To be turned down twice successively, or in a particularly harsh way (as if buried in two canvas sheets.)
John: Hey d'you hear about Samantha and Jake?
Josh: What about'em?
John: Well Jake asked her out and she turned him down. Second time this week!!
Josh: Wow, bash-bash!
by Jayjay-one June 9, 2011
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acronyn for the Modern day women who tends to be moody, vicious, and always pmsing are reffered to as a bash meaning Bitch Ass Slutty Hoe
by mokey and zero December 7, 2005
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bash to play a game for hours on end to get certain items or skills or levels
world of warcraft: omg i swear i bashed the bg's for like 9 days to earn enough honour and marks to get my grand marshalls chestplate.

rainbow six vegas: i bashed on vegas for a month to get to elite rank only to get killed and tebagged by some other player.
by josh norman November 8, 2007
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