Yosh, means no like yesh means yes
This has been confirmed by the government of every country
"do u like pasta?"
"Yosh, I hate it"
by daisy28 December 2, 2020
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The form of greeting, yosh can be used as hey, yo, hi, hello, you can use it in conversations with friends close to your age.
Yosh, how ar you ?
Yosh , my friend, wasup
by AnyEwy October 3, 2020
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It caracterises a fat yoshi, with a derpy face. They tend to be more gentle than usual yoshis, but they may consume the entire world in an instant of wrath.
Nibba: "Why is this yoshi so fat?"
Niqqa: "He ate the i"
Nibba: "Wha-"
Niqqa: "Now offer your toes as sacrifice for the almighty big Yosh"
Nibba: "Ahah, yes, he is so sexy so ok"
by TristanJ October 17, 2019
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The act of inserting a rod into someone's butt. Usually done in schools as a form of hazing using a wooden broomstick handle or a custom Yosh stick, usually pointed and stained brown.
Did you hear that Timmy got Yoshed with the Yosh stick today?

Yeah man. I heard the Yosh stick is now stained brown at the tip.
by TacoPope July 25, 2023
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When you pass out anywhere and everywhere after any amount of alcohol consumption. (Usually at the party)
Is Josh passed out right now? No, he's just taking a Yosh Nap.
by Wildcat58 December 31, 2016
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Raising one's status to royalty through marriage. Generally, a groom who is betrothed. Traditionally, the groom would enter a wedding, riding a throne carried by his most loyal subjects.
"Aye, did you see David get Yoshed up, last weekend? I heard the event was crazy!"

"Yeah! It was super cool, such a grand entrance!"
by veduyb328ecnw9fsni December 15, 2022
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Short for yoshinara bowl. A Japanese fast food restaurant. In la…a few years ago it was the butt end (if you'll pardon the pun) of a lot of jokes because eating

There can give you the trots!
Hey, let's head to the yosh bowl up on Manchester Tonite…but don't forget to take Pepto first!
by 4realazitgits March 4, 2021
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