when vocals have kind of a heavier sound to them, sort of a rasp.
by motherfuckinggenius April 13, 2010
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Using a tracheotomy hole as way for sexual penetration.

Can be used as a noun or a verb.
Guess what, I totally deep vocaled that girl last night!
by ceetheman June 20, 2011
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A person who, once they start talking, will not shut the fuck up; an inescapable conversation.
I asked Susan if she simply liked dogs and she ended up talking to me for 30 minutes. She's such a vocal vortex!
by drkrappenschitz April 4, 2018
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When you're high and slowly start talking louder and louder due to your excitement about the topic of conversation.
Girl: Woah stop talking so loud you're getting a vocal boner.

Girl 2: Oh shit sorry I was just so excited!!
Guy: You need to stop getting these! We're gonna get booked.
by rathergethead June 15, 2014
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When you mean to say one thing but accidentally say another
I apologise I meant to say boy not man, it was a vocal-typo
by Fuckboyy April 15, 2017
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The term given to an emerging genre of music that includes both Vocal Trance and Dance. DJ's combine the slower, sexier sounds of Vocal Trance with the up-tempo, high energy beats of Dance to create a multitude of emotions on the dance floors. The angelic vocals, uplifting melodies and high energy beats can create an intense emotional response which can lead to a natural euphoric state. More popular in Europe, it's making a slow migration to the commercially driven market of the USA
The DJ expertly mixed the varying beats and sounds of vocal electronica to create a rollercoaster of emotions on the dancefloor.
by BlackSwanFL February 4, 2010
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A triumph of marketing over talent.

Normally a group of males or females under the age of 25, recruited to form a band that sing in songs that are written and performed for them.

The band will normally consist of regular band members (animated meat bags), 1 member who can sing and also 1 non-threatening rebel.

Bands consisting entirely of female members will be expected to wear their underpants to work. In all, this leaves the male population feeling that the record buying teenagers of the world are depriving the porn industry of some excellent actresses.

See also
Boy band
S-Club 7, Damage, 911, N*Sync
by thepreacher August 4, 2003
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