Very beautiful and amaizng , and talented , loved my many and very trustworthy,
She is so Erin!
by iloveme24 July 11, 2008
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Erin is the absolute best. If you get to be her friend, you are lucky. She is a rare type, the most genuine, funny girl.
Erin is my fav!
by andioopsie September 23, 2019
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I am just writing this because there are no definitions that are not good, she is obsessed with harry potter and percy Jackson. Watch out she will attack you with her water bottle and try to kick you. Get life insurance before you annoy an Erin. This is 100% not Taren
Run, its Erin
by Tarenisnotweird December 9, 2019
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Erin is a beautiful girl inside and out, and has Einstein's brain in a sexy body, but not much people realize it. She doesn't like to be ignored or excluded from friends. Men are drawn to her good looks, humor and just being an awesome friend; but they don't realize that their in love.
Guy: Hey Erin I know your my bestfriend, but I like you alot.

Erin: Omg, i knew you were going to come through. *Smiles*
by truefact123 June 16, 2011
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Body of a Greek goddess, smart, crazy, sometimes bitchy but her intentions are generally sweet. She's like marmite you either love or hate her. Men are drawn to her like flies while girls envy her female power!! Erin's totally rule and are brillent in bed 😂
Girl; did you see erin today?
Boy; yes didn't she looked hawt!!
Girl; I know I'm so jealous
by Crazybitch11 August 22, 2015
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-Bestest person ALIVE!

-great friend to have; bad friend to loose.

-very purdy!

-Tree-hugger much?

-Worries/Cares WAY too much.
by Taess ! September 7, 2008
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Erin’s are usually brunette, average height maybe shorter, funny, best laugh, super pretty, really good with advice and makes you feel better when you need it most, and overall a bomb ass best friend
Person #1: woah who’s that!
Person #2: that’s Erin she’s my best friend!!
Person #1: she’s so pretty and has the best laugh!
by millyrockboss42 July 18, 2018
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