Tara is a very short, shy person that has a lot of depth. She deeply thinks about worldly and spiritual ideas but can sometimes be stubborn. She is an usually unique person that excels in many different areas of life, but specifically in self expression. She feels emotions very strongly and can be innocent and optimistic. She has beautiful long curl hair and deep eyes. Tara can be a trustworthy friend and partner who often puts others before herself. She isn't impressed by wealth and flattery, but is drawn to deep emotional connection and if you have nice hands.
Guy 1: Hey, don't you think Tara is cute I tried showing her my car but she wasn't impressed.
Guy 2: No dude tell her your star sign and cream your hands.
by ZZZZZZZZ. August 22, 2021
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A tara is a really hot person
all the boyz want a tara
-Holy shit look at that tara!
-I know aint she yummy!
by gought December 7, 2008
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Tara is the person who everyone wants to be around. She is shy at times but never outspoken. Tara is fun, crazy, and in love with makeup. She is a leader, fashionable, she is 100% girly girl.
My bestfriend her name is Tara
by Mackenzie Brooks January 18, 2018
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taras make the best friends, they are loyal and trustworthyt.

they make good moms and work hard at everything they are kind hearted and good natured

sometimes they let their temper get the best of them but are usually wise and patient

taras are gorgeous and gentle

but be careful never to get on a taras bad side! she will mess you up!
"you're gorgeous tara!"

by SamyD March 31, 2010
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the coolest girl ever that i loves forever and ever.
i loves tara forever and ever and ever
since she was so cool, she had to be a tara. jonathan loves tara forever and ever.
by jhoods2291 August 19, 2007
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a great gf. amazing and perfect and smart. likes kids. urrrrrrrrrrrrrr. thinks everyone is an idiot.
by weirdow August 8, 2019
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She is the best thing that could happen to anyone
Tara is so nice . I wish I could be more like Tara
by Someone that you don’t know September 18, 2018
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