A very tall boy who thinks he bad but likes to play Roblox. He has a lot of friends but is always in wars with Maleah. He is also a prankster and is BFF's with nyron.
Maleah: Stephan, go and fuck urslef
Stephan: Boi, in ur modass when we playing Roblox tonight I will bust a cap in ur ass
by DUMBYACCIDENT February 20, 2021
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The most annoying person you will ever meet. Stephan is usually always a nerd a drug addict or an ugly redneck. You do not want to be friends with Stephan because he is very weird and had a small dick
Stephan is the weirds person Ive ever meet.
by November 8, 2021
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She is pretty and kind, could get any man. Have a great body and have good friends with her.
Boy: hey you look hot.
Stephan: thanks you to, have a nice day.
by Left_ right June 17, 2020
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he draws radom pic of men that is mostly naked
stephan is werid
by freind90 March 23, 2022
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A human being that thinks his thoughts are of the up most importance .He is the supreme being in fact when you his shit talk go screaming out his neck or his actions are the boldest around ! You want to run and grab the camera but somehow the Perez Steven or Stephan is knock the fuck out or running away crying ,before you can even turn on the camera or push record ..
Damm I almost got that video but it was another "Stephan Perez "moment and the mother fucking little bitch was snoring before I could even turn my phone on...was the lame thinking as soon as that cave mans thought got into his head ,and he tried to gey hard less then 60 seconds he was gone in lala land , outcold ,stealing a nap,counting good ideas and it end at one sheep,and him fucking it because he never had another bad ass moment then that his 1 and only im the man moment ,yeah but wasnt it a male sheep?
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A mental instate piss rabbit who thinks he is a doctor also is gay accounting to a heterosexual bear
Stephan sage bunny Is the reason for global warming
by Ffionn fox is a weeb November 10, 2018
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Ndema stephane

Ndema Stéphane is a boy who love to take risks. He is spontaneous and funny. You can think that he’s a player at first but when you get to know him, he’s the most caring and loving person on earth. He loves to do illegal things and will have a tons of anecdotes to tell you.
by Octopus$ November 23, 2021
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