A substitute for basically ANY adjective. Usually associated with polly wagger
Mr Boone is such a squirrel...
That algebra test was such a squirrel.
I'm really feeling like a squirrel.
by Other Jesus April 18, 2015
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One (generally female) who is unnecessarily and startlingly hairy in the nether regions. May hinder sexual activity.
-Dude, did you get any?
-No man. She was a squirrel. I was afraid I'd pull a hair out down there.

-I performed cunnilingus on a real squirrel last night.
-Did she have a glorious beaver?
-I don't know. I couldn't really see... it was a jungle down there.
by Beaster October 23, 2005
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An overly-promiscuous woman that has had a comparable amount of nuts in her mouth as a squirrel.
"Oh man, where a sock with that chick, she's a total squirrel!"
by Nick&Mo August 7, 2003
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A small (and annoying) land rodent, found mainly in the oxford falls bush land. A constant pest that has had several attempts to exterminate with no success. Tends to follow people and larger animals in hopes of scraps and attention. Attempts to avoid often prove futile with threats of violence being to complex for its lower order brain. The best bet is to bribe it into leaving.
Should also note, it has an odd fetish for rocks
Damn it Squirrel is following us again!
by Micky-P March 6, 2006
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A male who is mostly interested in sex, or will only call or text a female for sexual purposes.
"Hey girl, I think 'ol boy over there wants to holla at you..."

"Its alright, its just a squirrel trying to get a nut!"
by fckasquirrel August 2, 2009
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" man I went to them club and it was wall yo wall filled with nothing but squirrel"

" C'mon son that's my squirrel, why do you call her a squirrel because they chase nuts"
by Marco Bengy February 8, 2011
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A fuzzy woodland creature that happens to be horny all the time, so watch out if you happen to pass by one while you're alone. These horny bastards don't descriminate against gender, so everyone has to keep an eye out. Oh, and in other cultures their other name is "Alex"
-Dude, I need to go take a piss

-Hurry up man, oh, and watch out for those squirrels

-You mean an 'Alex'?
by Nattie Nightmare July 20, 2008
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