Solomon Schechter is a K-8 private school in suburban Chicago for rich bratty Jewish kids, where the only thing worse than the girl drama is the school's administration. Many of the boys don't understand basic hygiene I don't know if they have even discovered deodorant. Some of the girls apply a whole bottle of perfume every. single. fucking. day. leaving the locker room smelling like body odor and gross perfume. Half of he guys dress like highlightrs. Some of the teachers are extreemly bipolar, to such an extent that eating one too many snacks can push some past their breaking point. If you want to torture your kids, send them here. Schechter makes even Edgewood Middle School seem like a nice place to send your kids.
Person 1: "Where do you go to school?"
Person 2: "I go to Solomon Schechter."
Person 1: " Ew!"
by LyfeIsABitch November 25, 2019
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A small, shrivelled, usually foul smelling member, reminiscent of an ancient wizards finger.
To be honest, when I saw he had a Solomon's finger I knew it wasn't going to be a great night.
by Truthsayer27 April 25, 2011
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Marshallese: What do you call a person from the Solomon Islands?

Solomon Islander: A Solomon Islander
by BuddyMaddie April 1, 2022
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Usually means someone who has never heard or seen of box in their lifetime, believe the appearance of box is extinct.
Jack Solomon: Sol gets no box
by kenneth556 April 3, 2023
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Myla Solomon also know as fat fucking hippo. Can be one of the most annoying and irritating bitches you've ever met.

Myla Solomon smells like beef curry and manure and will always find a way to make you want to kill yourself

If you know a Myla Solomon run for your fucking life.
Holy shit stop being a Myla Solomon u sweaty ugly fuckhead
by Coochwrangler69 June 1, 2020
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When you double fist a female, one in ass one in vagina. You left her into the air and shake her violently. Extra points if you tell a Solomon Grundy quote.
"Solomon Grundy want oral, too!"
She was so light, I gave her a Solomon Grundy over my head! Solomon Grundy smash Batgirl
by MrDun June 12, 2015
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