1) Origination: to do something with six of an object
2) Current: with extreme enthusiasm or extreme effort
Some girl: I felt so sick after eating Dentyne Ice by the sixes.
Some guy: Yeah, it didn't go very well with that beef jerky.
Other guy: Really? I thought it was great! We should totally do it again...
(All in unison): BY THE SIXES!!
by Edward I May 2, 2006
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1. reference to evil. Six is the numeric representation of sin. 666
2. A guitar (six string)
3. a gun (six-shooter)
1. "six, six-six the number of the beast"
2. "I walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back"
3. "I'm a devil on the run
A six gun lover"
by nicholas vlad moddachovski December 16, 2008
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A word describing someone who doesn't know when to stop talking and kills all the jokes within a group. Someone who tends to be oblivious to jokes directed at him and actually took the time to investigate a made up word on urbandictionary.com
Ryan is a classic example of a victim of the epidemic of six eye six.
by Justin bateman April 5, 2009
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verb: to be stuck with a lazy person who does little to no work; the person nobody wants to get stuck working with.
"Dude, I got the laziest person in class."
"The teacher just sixed you."
by Thug 9 May 5, 2012
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A huge ass wang!

A piece of wood, similar to a 2 by 4
Shit dawg! That guy has a six by six!
by Not Chris Kendig June 7, 2004
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in europe we have four by four but in the US they have six by six
by Stef June 14, 2004
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