What truly is a Sammy? A Sammy is someone who knows how to get a good laugh out of ya. Sammy is someone who is kind in a funky ass mutha fuckin' way~ SAMMY is an OC who DEFIES rp LOGIC. Do not question Sammy. She'll bite yer head off. She'll do it. Oh She'll do it. ;D
Dude #1: DUDE Sammy was like making me laugh so hard last night I SNORTED MAH MILK MAN!

Example #2: Sammy bit my head off because I didn't accept her awesomeness.
by SammysStalker April 29, 2010
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Sammy is the most sweetest guy you will ever know! Most of time he has brown eyes, but rarely will have blue! He's so gorgeous and every girl wants him because he's tall, sweet, great artist and can play piano once you meet Sammy you want him, and you want him bad! Once you look at him you can't stop! He's that gorgeous!

You will stay up all night just to talk to this boy! Even if the time zones are different! To wrap things up, I LOVE SAMMY!
girl: OMG Sammy is so sweet! I wish I didn't move, I want him so bad!

Girl 2: too bad, you snooze you lose, he's mine!
by Sammy's Lover from Barrie! December 21, 2013
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to hug someone constantly; hump.

I'll sammy you if you dont shut up!
by yoonjongsuks March 12, 2009
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A derogatory term referring but not exclusively to African Americans. This slang term has been popularized by Academy Award-nominated American actor and Chicago native Michael Duncan Clarke aka Michael 'Big Mike' Duncan. Duncan has played major roles in such award winning films as Armageddon, The Green Mile, Sin City and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby just to name a few. Yet the term "Sammie" manifested itself into the lexicon of societal slang when Duncan began to do commercial voiceovers for Quiznos Sub, endorsing their new Sammie flatbread sandwiches (Hence the name "Sammie").
I was going to let Mark borrow ten dollars from me, but quickly remembering how much of a Sammie he is I readily revoked my offer.

I can't believe someone stole my wallet. I bet it was one of those damn Sammies!
by P. Brizzle April 21, 2008
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Is he cute? Yes

Is he Sweet? Yes

Is he great at basketball? Yes

Is he tall? Yes

Does he make you laugh at the dumbest things? Yes

Is he player? No no no, unless it's basketball then yes, yes he is a player

Is he just adorable in every way? It's arguable but in my opinion yes

Does he make the perfect boyfriend? Yes he does {I've been told}

Does he make the perfect brother? Yes

Does he give great advice?

Is he just an amazing person?

You'll just have to meet him, to find out.
Thanks Sammy A
by S.A.V.A.G.E January 20, 2020
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1. nick name for Samantha
2. likes to party and have fun
by lmh1516 February 6, 2009
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The coolest girl in the world. She likes the same music as you. She's super beautiful and kind. You two get along pretty well but it's kind of awkward being around her because you like her so much but haven't really asked her out on a date.
Dude, I wish Sammy would go to the movies with me but I'm too nervous to ask.
by Notice me Sammy May 28, 2016
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