a pro-baseball team that is based and that plays home games in the city of Boston, MA. They are the major league baseball team for the New England area. They have 7 world championships. Their major archrival is the successful and historic New York Yankees who have 26 world championships and 39 American League championships. Red Sox fans are dubbed Red Sox Nation, assuming that no other team has a national following. They are also notoriously violent, arrogant, and prone to dangerous celebrations as seen in their world series victory after-party in the streets of Boston when over 40 were arrested and police officers were assaulted. Red Sox fans tend to frequently chant "Yankees Suck" even though the Yankees are the most successful sports team in history.
The Red Sox have 7 world championships while the Yankees have 26.

by Ernie EB October 31, 2007
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the baseball team with the LEAST diverse and most ignorant fans. red sox fans like to show displeasure towards the yankees and their fans by constantly saying that the yankees suck, despite the fact that yankees have 39 AL pennants and 26 championships compared to boston's only 11 pennants and 6 championships.
red sox fan: hahaha you like the yankees! they suck!
yankees fan: well, let's see. the yankees have won 26 world championships. red sox has, what was it, 6? so, shut the fuck up.
red sox fan: uhh YANKEES SUCK!
by seans March 3, 2007
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Wed, Oct 21st 2004 will be remembered.
"Hollyyyyyyy shiiiiitttt... They won! Oh my God they won!"
by Lea October 21, 2004
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the single most arrogant team in baseball.

I keep hearing/reading about the Red Sox. How annoying. Why won't they go away?
by freaking a April 9, 2005
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A team who's fans are so arrogant, and ignorant, that they can't seem to grasp the fact that winning ONE world series (in EIGHTY SIX YEARS might I add) does NOT make them the best team in baseball. You may hate the Yankees with every fiber of your being, but that does NOT change the fact that they still have 26 championships, putting them at the top of the baseball chain. Sorry to burst your bubble! Yankees-1923 1927 1928 1932 1937 1939 1939 1941 1943 1947 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1956 1958 1961 1962 1977 1978 1996 1998 1999 2000

Red Sox- 1903 1912 1915 1916 1918 2004

Notice our longest span between victories is eighteen years, while yours is eighty-six, we're just better!
Red Sox fans are happy now, but it's just ONE world series. You're the better season, but as YOUR saying goes "Wait 'til next year." Now I can see how you want to bash us because it's a HUGE victory, but okay...you won...now what do you like forward to? You have no rought, it's now just another city of bragging. And next year when we kick your ass, what can you say? You can't blame it on Bambino because that's "over", so what now? Blame it on people being paid off, and "so and so" was sick? There isn't any excuse anymore except the other team is better! So when the Yankees win, you'll just have to admit, you suck!
by Danielle January 6, 2005
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The worst franchise in the history of sports. The REAL evil empire. A team that tries their hardest to be what they hate. A team whose fans who are the worst human beings on the planet. If I didn't know any better, Fenway Park is like Niagara falls because it can't possibly be big enough to hold the tears of these whiners, and the constant diaper changing that takes place here. Fuck you assholes AND the horse you rode in on!!!!
The last time I checked, the devil is RED, not navy blue. Check your facts you shitface dickless piece of shit red sox fans
by MTS July 17, 2006
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The team with the most ridiculous, stupid, bandwagon, don't know their ass from their mouths fans in all of sports. Here's the problem with red sox fans: You win a couple times and all the sudden you think the whole sports world needs to bow down to you. They are a bunch of contradicting fans that think they KNOW EVERYTHING. They rip on the Yankees and their fans thinking it makes them look superior, but it makes them look SO STUPID! They have such loud mouths for a team that hasn't won much in their history. They spend their entire days trying to find ways to put the Yankees down, almost bully like. And we all know that bullies do that because they feel incompetent and have low self-confidence. They're also the team that doesn't know how to win properly. The Yankees in their years won with grace, sportsmanship and pride. The Red Sox win with disgusting sportsmanship and gross actions (ex. dancing on the yankee dugout after you beat them in game 7 in 2004. Smoking cigars and dancing on busch field after you beat the cardinals). Find me a Yankee player that did that in Fenway Park and tell me all of Boston wouldn't be up in arms. Plain and Simple: Boston fans have a lot to learn. Their like a really disrespectful and immature child. They need to grow up.
"The worst fans in baseball belong to those of the red sox."
by c134790298340 March 11, 2009
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