A very fashionable car that makes you look "environmentally conscious." People also think the fuel economy is unbelievably amazing.

The fact is, however, that if you are really interested in saving the environment and gas, a regular subcompact is a much better choice. Older subcompacts such as the Geo Metro, some Honda Civics, the Toyota Tercel, and so on actually got equal or better gas mileage, often above 50 mpg. There is also no electric motor or batteries to mess with, so they are cheaper and easier to fix. These reliable little cars are so cheap to buy and maintain today that it is ridiculous to claim a new Prius saves money.

They also have zero environmental impact, since the are already manufactured. In addition, hybrids' gigantic battery packs full of lead, toxic heavy metals and acid, screw the environment so badly that some people have calculated that a Hummer H3 has less environmental impact.

Also, conventional cars can be hundreds of pounds lighter without the batteries. Performance (and fuel economy) is improved. There is also more room/fewer ugly bulges/ lower aerodynamic profile without a battery pack.

However, this will not convince the liberals who only want to LOOK like they are on the right path.
Liberal nerd: "Everyone should own a Prius! It just makes sense! I can't believe it gets 45 mpg! I'm really just self-interested, because it will save me $$ in the long run!"

Liberal nerd who knows something about cars: Dude, my 1992 Honda Civic VX gets 60 mpg, and it looks better even though it's 17 years old. I bought it for $500 and I can do all the maintenance myself. It can also dust your battery pack on wheels.

Nerd 1: Hey, it's worth it for the status it gives me.
by Spinningtabletop February 3, 2009
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Toyota Prius, FIRST Mainstream hybrid vehicle produced, gets over 60 miles per gallon, lowest emmisions, and its peppy
My prius goes 0-60 in 0-60 seconds
by prius May 30, 2004
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a prank involving shitting in an empty soda can and making an unsuspecting person drink it.
WHAT THE FUCK!? someone gave me a prius when I wasn't looking!
by weird nerd January 9, 2011
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The number one rated car in America due to the lack of ability to kill anybody due to its 10 mph top speed.
"Dude I got hit by a Toyota Prius yesterday. Yo bro are you okay? Yeah bro I'm fine I just got a paper cut.
by Everydaydipshit69 November 13, 2020
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A car that will litteraly make a man puke and want to kill himself. The definition of disappointment.
When she sent me the booty pics I felt like I saw a Toyota Prius.
by DildoWarior March 25, 2016
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A cluster of cars on the freeway, caused by a slow moving Prius in the left lane.
God damn, what is with this fucking Prius parade. Why won't that god damn Prius move into the right lane.
by Avocado Smasher July 24, 2012
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