Prostate and a potato mixced in one. The word is based in Roman latin defined for the first time on record in 30004562 BC.
You can use this word for everything.
Your potate is showing!!
I am a potate.
Sweet potate
by Potate April 25, 2006
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the act of drinking, a person who drinks can also be referred to as a potator.
this weekend i plan to start my bi-weekly potation and suffer myself completely inebriated
by pookay September 15, 2010
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Bringing you useless definitions nobody asked for since 2021!
by Le potat May 19, 2021
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Someone who is giving out hate and likes to be a potato at the same time.
marc: tumblr is so stupid
me: stop being such a hater potater
by Dr.phil March 16, 2012
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When u do the mashing to the potates
I like to eat mashed potates
by Dingerbingerdoodoo November 15, 2017
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(Pronounced puh-tay-ter tahts). A cooler way of saying 'tater tots'. Seems to imply that potatoes go into the making of tater tots when really there aren't any. People don't realize that they aren't made with potatoes though, which makes this word ok to say.
Person 1: What'd you get for lunch?
Person 2: A cheeseburger and some potater tots.
Person 1: Sweetness.
by G-Bombz October 29, 2008
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