Who tf cares who this meme lord is, just subscribe to him already... I'm doing my part. Also, let's try to get pewds to beat t-series.
Man: "are you subbed to pewdiepie?"
Man 2: "no"
Man 4: "why are there so many of us, and why are our names man #?"
Man 5: " go with it, it's for the purpose of the joke."
by NineYearOldArmyStepKing November 25, 2018
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a dumb-ass youtuber with a tiny alien in his head controlling him for money and power
me: do you know who pewdiepie is?

friend: you mean that tiny alien?

me:what alien?
by cake> December 8, 2017
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a swedish youtuber who is famous throughout the internet. He is currently the largest channel on youtube with over 70 million subscribers. Behind him is the channel T series.
dude: ya know Pewdiepie

Dude 2: Ya
dude: he has 70 mil now
Dude 2: cool
by 27163821842 November 17, 2018
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1. The literal definition of someone with a big pee pee.
2. The awesome Swedish youtube who will be king of youtube again one day.
3. Currently in a war with Coco Melon (9 June 2020)
4. Like I said, BIG PEE PEE!!
OMFG, its PewDiePie!!!
Hi PewDiePie!
by TRU3_V01D June 9, 2020
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A Swedish YouTuber known as being the #1, but was recently passed after many months of battle by a music company named T-Series. Smh
Guy 1: Yo did you here of PewDiePie?

Guy 2: Yeah he’s awesome!!!
by Yaboi430 May 15, 2019
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