Sickest chik goin round, shes cute, funni and great at everything she does.Quiet at timez..but fulli wen she is herself:P....lurves her mates n damo!!!
that chik is fulli teghan pearce!!!i want to be like that.
by Megan19 May 7, 2007
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A lovely girl who is caring, kind, smart and funny. She lights up the room and smiles all day. She is pretty inside and out and cares about everything she does. But she has deep emotions that she hides to make everyone happy.

Olivia Willow Pearce is truly amazing and perfect person.
by Therealdeal26 March 29, 2017
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Kayde Pearce can be defined as gay and unable to make a woman's taint wet. He is useless to society and has no life other than stalking his ex
You're being like Kayde Pearce right now.
by Light Orange Gem March 5, 2020
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A fake French with brown eyes who is likely to sin 80 times a day. He alliances himself against the LTBQ community and the gypsy community who are deemed as demons in his eyes. (Now has ugly glasses)
Hey, Nathan Pearce have a great day at summer school!!!
Nathan Pearce looks like a wizard when he smiles!
by Ahmed the chosen one October 11, 2018
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When a man pulls out his 69 foot cock and busts all over the window of a bus, impregnating EVERYONE inside
"Oh no! He pulled a dirty Pearce! I can already feel it kicking..."
by April 18, 2023
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