A womans vagina,
a nice pink pussy,
something soft and tasty just like peaches...
I'm movin' to the country, i'm gonna eat a lot of peaches...
by Jberry July 19, 2005
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1)girl with breast about a b-c cup. Soft, handful and round breasts

2)former rant writer for BAMF.COM.- is associated with the likes of being crazy, which she very well maybe. Associated with the infamous "mmm peaches" written on breast pictures.

3)Is a girl who likes every single person who wants to eat a peach. *muah*
Man, what a Peach!

Mmmmmm Peaches

Fuckin' Peaches
by Red Light February 19, 2004
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The state of being pleasantly and totally drunk.
I got right peached last night off those vodka-bar-limes and now I have a major hangover!
by papiervagin March 12, 2010
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This is a code word for a quick sexual release with no strings attached. Usually pertains to a sexually frustrated friend or a stranger on a chat site.
Stranger: Hey bb do you want to share peaches with me?
You: Heck yes!
You: I love quickies!
Stranger: Glad to hear it hon.
Stranger: *I put on my robe and wizard hat*
by Masked Musician August 20, 2014
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a person who disgusts you to the max, someone you literally hate.
peaches is a douche
peaches is a literal scumbag
ugh why does peaches exist
by bruh207 June 2, 2020
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The perfect Pussy, one where the lips are nice tasty and the pussy has the shape of a side of a peach
by HungryBoy October 10, 2006
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Word to describe two, full butt cheeks. Frequently used to name other parts of the female body, peaches can also be used to define someone's nice butt. Also a comparison between the shape of a peach and a persons behind.
"Hahah did you see Rukia's peaches in that chapter of Bleach?"

"Yes! Ichigo couldn't keep his eyes off of her peaches!"
by Ksdijgdos February 22, 2014
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