The past tense of a Bruh moment usually used to describe something in the past that was indeed for them a bruh moment but for us now would be a 'bruh then'
Lad1: Remember the Boston Tea party?
Lad2: yeah, such a bruh then
by EclipseTruth May 31, 2019
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The thing zombies always say in Minecraft.

The word you spam on every twitch stream.

The replacement for your favorite swear word when kindergartners are around.

The most popular word to use in the comment section of youtube.

My reaction to pretty much everything
When your sister accidentally says the S H word..."Bruh"
by HUDZONIAN May 17, 2021
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Kinda like bro, but more modern and socially accepted
Person one: you look like a weirdo
Person two: bruh
by Thatguy5050 April 15, 2021
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When you think you’re texting your boyfriend but actually text your dad asking him to unblock you on Snapchat so you can send him nudes.
Oh Shit! I accidentally texted my dad asking him to unblock me on snap so I can send him nudes! Major bruh moment.
by penisbitch June 25, 2019
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1- noun) your greatest homie

2- onomatopoeia) something one will say if another does something stupid or if they are bored
Usage 1: " Bruh, what's up?!"

Usage 2: (DeQuan just punched Tyrone) "BRUH!"

Usage 2: "bruhhhhhhhhh"
by herpesman November 7, 2014
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A saying widely used during a dickhead, or stupid moment, or a moment of fuckery. Also said when someone says something to piss you off. Can be used as a substitute for tf or the fuck.
Man: I fucked my bitch so hard last night.

Man 2: Bruh... I ain't need to know that
by Erectile Function October 19, 2014
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The most annoying and meaningless answer to literally everything. There is no definition to this phrase because it can be said to literally anything without conveying any meaning whatsoever.
by Micmicc May 7, 2021
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