King of pop, highly talented entertainer. An artist who has sold more records worldwide than anyone else in history. Found not guilty of child molestation charges on June 13th 2005. Best singer/dancer of our generation, and maybe even the whole 20th and 21st centuries
Damn did you see Michael Jackson moonwalking? That ish was hot as hell!

"Yo I was blazin Billie Jean last night, that ish is still tight"
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When Peter Pan becomes the King of Pop and inspires billions of people around the world.
Michael Jackson will never die
by Synther January 10, 2011
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The King Of Pop. The most talented man that has ever walked the earth. Was probably the most known star ever.
Had a band with his brothers names The Jackson Five, then he went solo. Had the best selling album of all time, Thriller. He was accused of being a child moslester, but all charges were dropped in 1993 and in 2003 he was found not guilty because he really was innocent. Made a huge impact on the world and its music. Paved the way for tons of artist. Will always live in our hearts<3
Thriller, is the best selling album of all time.

Michael Jackson is the definition of legend
by zebrasgotsoul! June 29, 2009
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One of the greatest intertaners of all time. truly the king of pop.without him there would be no pop culture.
person1= dude why you dancing?
person2=cuase it entertaines people.
person1= you are so michael jackson
person2- THANK YOU!!!!
by Cornholiox5 July 1, 2009
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