Something you should learn to love because once it's over you might look back and want to see good memories so save your tears and feel happy.
All I do is sleep but I was told to be happy about my life so that's what I'm doing
by KitKat291935 February 26, 2018
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I knowmy life sucks” you don’t have to tell everyone
by Boy eat dat pussy 449 September 15, 2020
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"Becuase my life is a waste of time"
by pSychoKidRuinyou1337 January 28, 2020
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A Truman Show-esque reality show.
Hym "Fixing MY life requires me fixing the Truman Show-esque reality show at the root of my problems. I know you're a little slow so I'll draw you a little diagram

TSE reality show > work > relationships

This 🖕 is the problem. I can't fix the work problem because people will use this 👇
Truman Show-esque reality
Against me. Which triggers a negative neurophysiological effect that is (in your own words) incredibly draining. My relationships. Predicated on the fact that I am in 👇 this
Truman Show-esque reality
People only associate with me to gather information for 👇
Truman Show-esque reality
See how that works? I know you do. I know you're not stupid. You just don't want to be wrong. It doesn matter how much you know because you are wrong and I am right. How do I know? Because WHAT I'M SAYING IS TRUE CHRISTOF. The cage only opens if I pour in the blood of the innocent OR if someone lets me out. You pick. Getting impatient. Getting stressed."
by Hym Iam June 10, 2022
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