1. Pertaining to non-existant (female) sexual organs, such as those of an imaginary girlfriend. 2. Describing a form of sexual intercourse that didn't actually occur.
"Yeah, you know your pathetic when even your make-believe girlfriend has a imaginal yeast infection."

"Well, if you include 'imaginal' then yeah, Jessica and I hooked up last week."
by Evil Vincent August 17, 2006
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A saying originated by the popular Gamer and Catfisher JLC. A saying very difficult to understand, only for the highly intelligent.
eH0: "Hey how was your day?"

Bushy: "imagine"

eH0: "What the fuck"
by Rivlleducks January 14, 2018
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Bleeding edge development of new and exotic products, often without adequate prototypes or product testing, sometimes with devastating or expensive results. Associated with pushing products to market.
The 1940's Lockheed reverse canard solid fuel flying-wing alpha prototype (the human bottle rocket) was imagineering at its best.
by roadkill July 4, 2005
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a person that has the main job of imagining stuff and then drawing them
"Hey have you seen 'APZi the Imaginer'? this dude always imagines swords"
by APZLife September 18, 2021
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An expression to use when something unrealistic happens
Johnny just wiped out a squad to win the game.
His friend: imagine that!
by GrittyRitty May 29, 2020
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Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
Person: Imagine
by This handle is not used October 14, 2021
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The act of forcing someone to think outside of the box and imagine something.
"I was really imaginating what I was working on to Bob but his head was just to far up his ass to grasp what I was talking about"
by Tgal1212 July 11, 2008
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