The action of throwing a salt shaker at someone else.

Used primarily as a defensive measure after stealing someone else’s property which is a form of being physically A-Salted.
Caller said, she was Pink Himalayaned at the Double D Tavern after she confronted another woman about taking her phone. The shaker thrower left in a Silver Subaru and headed north.
by SmiJt January 5, 2021
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When you’re with a Shard Barbie and you roll your pecker around in a gram of crushed meth before she gives you head.
I gave the shard Barbie a Himalayan sugar snake last night at the hotel.
by RjtK June 18, 2020
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Any kind of nuts that are Hindi. Literally.
Himalayan Nuts are so g-
by Himalayan July 12, 2022
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n. English

1. A sex act where, while cunnilingus is being performed, a woman urinates on her partners face.
Last night, my lady gave me some Himalayan Honey.
by CRNewsom October 22, 2010
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Usually only performed by the gutterious of all gutter sluts, the "Himalayan Pussy Fart" is exactly what it sounds like, and its historically been used as a sort of S.O.S, sending not only a message to be heard but also smelt, in the rare occasion the recipient is my def friend.
Pam climbed higher and higher to the very top of the mountain and let loose a massive " Himalayan Pussy Fart " she'd been storing deep in her bowels ever since she was a child in the hope's of it being carried far far down the mountain side where sum poor, innocent, undeserving, possibly def passerby might smell/hear her desperate call and send help...
by RB Money June 28, 2022
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When a Man ashes a joint on the female clitoris, then proceeds to lick the ash from her pussy giving immortal pleasure for both subjects
Don’t ash in the ashtray silly, my pussy is clean, give mommy the Himalayan Bobsled.
by YeIsJesus June 19, 2023
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A soft condom like tube knitted from the pubic hair of the women of the Kumaon tribe. Known for its insulating qualities. Its generally used by someone to transport a Himalayan Handbag to their willing recipient.
I made Jim a special Himalayan Handbag, but since he lives so far away I carried it to him in a Himalayan Wool Sock so it would stay frozen.
by Nightprowler69 April 7, 2021
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