A country of great culture. Beer, cars, women, and guns.

The German language can be manly and angry, yet beautiful at the same time.
The 20th Century would have been boring and uneventful without Germany.

FÜr Gott, Ehre, und Vaterland!
by Stahljäger March 6, 2006
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An european country where teens are allowed to (legally!) drink alcohol at the age of 16 and stuff like wodka at the age of 18 but yet the government complains about too many drunk teens.
no examples for Germany.
by thatsooverrated April 30, 2014
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The Federal Republic of Germany is a country located in middle europe.
It has a population of at least 50 million people thinking they are required to be superficially friendly to migrants because of the dark past of Nazi government.
Since the 1960s the main import products are refugees from the Near East.
Politically Germany is the first country to have bans and redirections on diesel cars which makes German vehicles a lot cheaper in surrounding countries,
such as France.
In Germany political parties can be subdivided into the left and right wing as well as the Middle which calls itself the “People’s Party”.
Citizens in Germany own the habit to call everyone rightextreme whether a person is against new immigration from abroad or against the politics of the Middle.
The culture defines itself by basic values like democracy, liberty and Christianity.
According to the native German population there is a growing fear of Islamic dominance by the brutality of the Quaran and the high migration.

Everything summed up
the country is being pulled apart by the negative side effects of the Syrian conflict which ended up in massive refugee crowds invading the EU.
Germany’s cultural values got ridiculously superficial.
by Dudenverlag November 15, 2018
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Germany is a country in Europe. It has good weapons, engineering, And Amazing food... German people are amazing people. Did you know that Liver worst is liver sausage in German? In world war two, Hitler was a dictator who forced everyone to do his bidding... Almost nobody in America who I know of likes him... Despite what everyone thinks, Germans were NOT the bad guys in World war two... The Nazis were, And, not even all the Nazis were bad... They were forced... Germany is an amazing place That people should give more respect....
Germany is a beautiful place.
by Lord_Darkmoor April 7, 2015
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npc: the nazi should go suck a cock
npc2: my glorious adolf should not suck a cock
noc3: yeah best leader of germany ever
by Herobririne April 25, 2022
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Im german american. and i hate people who call germans nazi's. and most of these people are english.why? because they are too fucking jealous that we have achieved everything they ever wanted to. we won the world cup 3 times. we would have taken over the world if america wouldnt exist and your all pissed off that ur damn little island was almost bombed into a wasteland if it wasnt for americans..AGAIN. and oh yeah we were the first people to conquer ur shitty little island. oh and ur so crap that when u go to olympics u have to team up with ireland and wales and scotland cus ur athletes are too shit to have their own team. "THE UNITED KINGDOM" and oh yeah ur country is still the only one which is ruled by a fucking queen. U cant make cars, u cant make food, u cant make guns, U CANT DO SHIT! one tiger tank usually took out 4-5 of ur crappy little boxes on wheels. you people just piss me the fuck off. and then u come with ur little shit excuses: BUT U KILLED SO MANT PEOPLE AND STARTED 2 WORLD WARS!!...YEAH WELL AT LEAST WE DIDNT TRY TO ENSLAVE PEOPLE. and oh yeah im not a racist. to the few decent english people im sorry, but the rest off you can go to hell.
english guy: the british navy is great
german: what navy? they were sunk by germany's U-Boats (submarine)
by fadyl July 29, 2006
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Is The Person , Who All Girls Suck His Dick Or He Knows They Suck Dick.
Damn, That Nigga Germani Based .
by Bitch Suck Dick November 27, 2011
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