Noun. A combination of the word "fuck" (to fornicate) and the word "tard" (to delay). Therefore, a fucktard is a girl who won't let you fornicate with her until like the third or fourth date.
by Alfie The Horndog July 1, 2005
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A cross between a retard and a fuck. Usually referring to a guy who completely fucks up and must be mentally retarded to fuck up so badly.
Girl1: He actually said that?!?!?
Girl2: Yes.... :-S
Girl3: What a fucktard
by ViktorKrumwannabe February 14, 2009
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"I know how hard it is to put food on your family."

Man George Bush is a fucktard!
by bush_is_a_fucktard December 28, 2004
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1. (noun) a combination of retard and fuck.
2. (noun) someone who is so much of an idiot that a new word was made to describe how fucking retarded they are
"Oh my god, I can't even begin to explain what a fucktard he is."
by AliKali1996 October 23, 2011
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When retardation becomes fucked up.
The act of being way worse than a retard.
Being extremely insane.
Did you just post revenge porn on your girlfriend...That's some serious fucktardation.
by ApeBeam May 12, 2018
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The intentional or unintentional level of EXTREME stupidity perpetrated by an individual that makes a retarded person seen like they are Albert Einstein.

An uncommon level of stupidity only reached by a select few on our planet.
FuckTard - defined as(1)The actions of a California representative named Nancy Pelosi.
(2)The action of a person trying to start a chainsaw by holding the chain bar between your legs.
by Gator2018 February 20, 2018
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a fucking retard that surpasses those whom are just retarded, these "fucktards" are honestly something else. they will find a way to fuck up a chunk of titanium.
person: you're such a fucktard.
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