Some fag who thinks he is "the shit" because he names his d2 pvp characters after "dildo men", as well as smoking weed. 1) can be used as an adjective describing a person or situation.
1)"Man i hate that kid"
"Yeah, he's such a francis"
by completely not erik ^_^ January 6, 2008
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Generic name for a female rights activist. Frequently uses terms such as "herstory", "womanager", and "womeningitis".
Female X: I hope to be promoted to womanager soon...

Female Y: Zomgawsh, you're such a Francie!
by Sbrinkles August 31, 2010
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A person that is usually a male which is short for francisco like the city san francisco the gayest city in the world. A person named francis is usually a wannabe hypebeast/gangster that wears LRG jackets with shoes on wings and takes pictures in front of a mirror with his parent's camera and attracts ugly females/males, but mostly males. On occasions Francis will dye his hair purple and show his true homosexuality. Usually Francis "hangs out with the nerd herd" and they all look alike and share the same gumpy interests.
Jack: Hey guys! Seen the new Francis in town?
John: Yeah isn't his name Alec?
Jill: The Francis was always copying my clothes!
Jack: Yeah I saw you wear the pink Hollister top and the next day Francis wore it.
Lindsay: Yeah Francis is also always wearing that same LRG jacket with shoes and wings on it, kinda gumpy looking.
John: Yeah sounds kind of like Alec.
by Mexican Haters March 6, 2008
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biggest faggot known to man, has a very skinny penis. nobody likes the dog
man: oh look its francis
man 2: fucking faggot
francis: (cries in corner)
by etherton July 25, 2017
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Some folks who are named Francesco Shorten their names to Francis but then again to Frank. Why Even use Francis?
Hi my names frank, real name is francesco but use Francis instead of Francesco.
by John Monk July 12, 2006
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