unintentionally getting hit in the head by a ball of any kind
Jimmy gets hit in the head by a ball during football

Friend: HAHA Jimmy just got Falconed
by diked March 8, 2006
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1)To ultimately win, or terribly fail.
2)an awsome bird of prey
1) woah! look at that epic falcon win!
yeah! how did he do that?

2) the small bird had to fly quickly to escape the falcon's talons.
by I will catch mookie November 14, 2010
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Kyle got Falconed by David in the Soccer Match
by fhawk October 15, 2006
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Used car salesman
Snake oil merchant
Person who can speak for an hour but never actually answer your question
student 1- "What did he say?"
student 2 - "He was such a falconer, useless"
by jayfab_1990 May 29, 2012
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An extremely homosexual man who lives in a large house, unoficcialy known as "Roxanne", who likes to keep a can of mixed nuts in his room, and surf every weekend because he thinks it is really gnarly. A Falcon also rather enjoys being inappropriately gay with his friends and fudgepacking. Another charecteristic of a Falcon is to play way too much Super Smath Bros. Brawl, and buy video game systems to play free trials that you can download on them, and not buy any games.
No way, don't call Jon, hes such a Falcon.
by Pooper McPoopstein April 28, 2008
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Grown man w/bird and pistol seeking employment.
To alleviate the nuisance of pigeons and gulls at the waterfront, we have hired a falconer to release falcons and shoot pistols.

To alleviate the nuisance of the falconer, his falcons, and the random shooting, we have hired his ex-wife to patronize him.
by BuzzAldrin September 30, 2011
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