Cro is a different name for Weed, u got other names for it in the UK like Mary Jane etc
1 - yo g what type of cro is this

2 - Cali g
by d207 April 1, 2019
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Whatever you want it to mean, often used when you have nothing else to say to someone.
Glimble Croed...
"Glimble Croed" I couldnt think of anything to say so I said "Glimble Croed"
by Glimble Croed June 13, 2023
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Short form for Crotch Frost. An event that occurs in the dead of winter when a female is sexually excited and finds herself outdoors.
That elevator ride gave me some mad Cro Fro
by TheCreamyOne January 4, 2013
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That point in man's evolution about 200,000 years ago when Homo Sapiens started appearing. One of the features that differentiated "Modern Man" from previous iterations was a prominent chin aside from an upright posture and powerful strength.

Cro-Magnon would then be used to denote the start or beginning of an era, period, birth, or something.
It would be safe to state that the coronavirus' cro-magnon was a few months prior to the first reported cases in Wuhan in November 2019.

We are trying to figure out the cro-magnon of Trump's amazing ability to disappoint as we believe this goes way back before he even ran for president.
by LePeripateticien October 15, 2021
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The person in your friend group who has the biggest drip, is the biggest cro out of the crodem.

A person who gets whatever they want.
A pimp
Yo i went to the club last night with my girl but she left with Big Drip Cro
by Cro37 October 12, 2020
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describes a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance.
Yo, that guy there is a total Cro man.
by Up stream slasher July 28, 2021
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