"Omg Ryan did a dab again. That is so cringe"
by Daniel_Cakes August 8, 2017
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When something embarrassing happens, you just have to 'cringe'.
Or, if you say you were 'cringing', you were very embarressed.
'OMG, when I slipped on the banana in front of my crush, I just had to CRINGE!
by Quirkycat December 31, 2005
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A verb. To bend away from something in fear or disgust. Often used incorrectly, in a way that makes people look pathetic, or in a way that makes people look clueless to the actual definition. EX: Calling an innocent drawing of an anthropomorphic cat "cringe."
Filthy Frank Fanboy Friend: This Sans fangirl is so cringe! I'm gonna drink bleach and kill myself!

Triggered Friend: Firstly, cringe is a verb, idiot. Secondly, if you think THIS is "cringe" you're either extremely weak or just clueless of cringe's actual definition. Clearly, you're gonna be having a mental breakdown over the fact pedophilia exists if THIS is makes you feel scared or disgusted. You're just jumping on the cringe bandwagon to seem cool. GET OUT OF 2015 ALREADY.
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A socially awkward situation caused by usually the telling of a poor joke, an action people witness (eg crying when drunk), or blurting out a comment that is taboo. A silence follows where the people who witness it feel a deep sense of embaressment for the person but as if they were the ones who had done the embarassing thing.
ie you ''cringe''
1) knock knock
whos there?
lettuce who?
lettuce in....*Awkward silence

2) Man did you see john last night? he got absolutely off his face drunk, called his ex girlfriend begging her to take him back & spent the night crying like a little girl....*cringe

3) everybody is chatting but one voice raises above the rest causing a silence ''i once tasted my own jizz''.
by Datguy1&datguy2 June 16, 2011
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"t-series is such a cringe YoutTube channel. Subscribe to Pewdiepie, will yah?"
by Subscribe2Pewds February 21, 2019
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When a comment or situation makes you either throw up, or chew through the jacket that you are holding up to your face to protect you from this person/tv
I cringe watching the x-factor finallist's trying to sing a deep moving song and the audience laps it all up as if they havent seen it a 458 thousand times before.

Everyday situation:

American: "hey guys!!"

The general english public: cringe
by slowdem July 25, 2009
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