One who has a gut and doesn't know it, is also quite unintelligent. Usually this male, doesn't get invited to birthday parties, although he comes anyways. Asks parents to set "play-dates" up for him, eats only cheap and processed foods, is a member of the lower class society, and tend to migrate from Wisconsin. Only mates with cousins, and in most cases, the male they call "Colton" 98% of the time has a speech impeditment. And finally, this creature is shaped either like a boar or a Doctor Seuss character. These creatures tend to be prone to severe nose injuries, making them look even more peculiar. Has a slight tendency to send out unwanted nudey pics, also says words like "nakey", "sexy time", and "kinky" due to the simple fact that he cannot pronounce other words. Also loves to hump and masturbate to inanimate objects.
Example 1: Person A: Colton you're putting on a little weight.

Colton: Weally you don't just make up words.. Wha da fuck is weight..

Example 2: Colton: Hey cousin, want to go behind the shed, maybe get nakey and have some sexy time, don't wowwy I bwought some bologna.
by GlentheScientist83 December 14, 2010
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Douchebag acts cool around other friends tries HARD to impress others no self-confidence jerk in front of other people to be cool
That guy is a Colton
by Freshazdeycome May 14, 2010
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A person who has trouble walking on their own two feet. Lacks hand eye coordination. Awkward in appearance and personality.
I saw a Colton try to catch a frisbee. It was funny
by Colton "Why am I Never" Wright December 16, 2011
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The act of peeing on your friend's living room floor. Who does that?!?
"Dude, come on, you just pulled a Colton..."
"It wasn't me."
by b_lynch13 November 2, 2013
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Colton is the gayest bitch out there
by sp100503 January 13, 2018
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colton is usually a soft gay boy who always seems to fall for the straights,,, colton is always spilling the true tea,,, colton loves his friends but loves coffee more
wow why is colton so sad today

oh he fell for another straight boy
by brooklyn:)) February 25, 2019
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1. a creepy middle school boy who stalks girls and has the ability to change forms. when he is near, you can usually find a group of girls screaming "AHHH! COLTON!" anything can be related back to him. perhaps the creepiest thing he does is posess his victims to say things such as "colton's body is a wonderland", "hey pretty colton with the high heels on", and "i want colton's hot body next to me!" of course, none of this would be said by a non-posessed girl. his most famous form of stalking is the random box that appears on your computer screen late at night. he is also known as 'frankie jay' due to the fact he looks a lot like frankie jonas. anything can be blamed on him.

2. a motorcycle.
random laugh out of nowhere - four girls scream "AHH! COLTON!!"

"last night i was on yahoo talking to paul then this colton box popped up on my computer, therefore i had no choice but to run around in circles and scream 'AHH! COLTON!'"

mom: do you want mexican tonight?
daughter that is one of colton's victims: oh no, mexican aka rico aka stalker aka COLTON! AHH!

*as a motorcycle drives by* "geez, why are coltons so loud?"
by imamazing123 April 26, 2009
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