The liking of just about anything that's in your favorite color. // Judging everything by its color.
Girl 1: "Oh my gosh! That dirty old fork in that landfill is purple!...IT'S SO CUTE! I WANT ONE!!"
Girl 2: "Wow.. colorism, much?"
by sarah o. August 4, 2007
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A word you can call blacks that will make them mad and probably try to rob you.
*out for a nice evening stroll*

Ah what can I do for you 4 fine colored gentlemen?
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 7, 2023
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Having sexual intercourse/coitus so intense it changes the ethnic background of the person you are with. Their tax changes from whatever they currently are to any other race known to humans currently.
Thomas is going to get a chance to go coloring tonight.
by Imeandamnkillerhuuuuuhhh March 26, 2017
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It is either a thong or a g-string (worn by either sex).
Nicholle opened her panty drawer and it was filled with colors.
by nevada December 2, 2003
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what you'll see in the toilet instead of brown when you eat crayons.
duuuuuuuuuude how stoned was I? COOL! PURPLE! I'm gonna taste it! Tastes like skittles!
by Josephine Greene May 6, 2003
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Man Posse Jaimee is the one that has been texting you for the past 30 min. You have to admit it was very funny.
Eric: Kamron I just set up a romantic dinner! You promised you would be coloring with me tonight.
Kamron: Not now I have a headahche.
by crapbag13 July 11, 2008
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the colors of the irish flag or often refering to green the major symbol of ireland
rick "hey man im irish but i forgot what the irish flag looks like what are the irish colors"

mike "Green, white and orange man."
by m1k33 August 26, 2008
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