A fizzy soda fused with cannabis extract. Usually drank by wannabe rasta/hippie druggie edgelord pieces of shit just to sound, and look cool.

Or just normal people who prefer being high over being drunk.
I am not drinking just any soda, I am drinking Keef Cola; I am being specific that it contains weed because I am a faggot.
by California Bae Area August 3, 2016
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God himself. The greatest human being that walks the earth
Nick cola runs a 4.3 40 yard dash without trying
by Nickcolaisgod6969 March 7, 2021
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The correct answer to the question "Which is better, Pepsi or Coke?"
P1: Which is better, Pepsi or Coke?
P2: RC Cola, bitch.
by Yensil December 5, 2005
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The reject cola you drink when your too broke to get brand name soda.
I'm fucking tired of bullshit cola. I want some pepsi
by Chris aka Ares December 19, 2004
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1.the Cafinated Beverage that has a slightly larger Caffeine content than Pepsi and a Slightly lower Sugar content than Pepsi
2. the reason why Polar Bears are seen as 'cute'
1. no really coke has more Caffeine
2. oh look at those cute lil Bears drink from those little bottles, OH SO CUTE!!eleven
by Scary Terry April 9, 2005
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It's when you pour enough of a 2 liter bottle of coke out..and pour half a liter of whiskey in...it'll get you drunk.
Wow, after I drank that victory cola, I was fucked up.
by TheAbby May 14, 2008
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