A Spanish phrase used to motivate couch potatoes and meaning " yellah , get your behind off the couch and do something productive"
A father starts screaming " son , get your bum off the couch...

Son (interrupting) : yeah, yeah, I know, you wanted to tell me, se ponerse a trabajar como gente normal, right?

father: I won't be spoken to like that, young man, now get off that couch, and go wash dishes.
by Sexydimma June 13, 2013
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A Spanish phrase used to motivate couch potatoes and meaning " yellah , get your behind off the couch and do something productive"
A father starts screaming " son , get your bum off the couch...

Son (interrupting) : yeah, yeah, I know, you wanted to tell me, se ponerse a trabajar como gente normal, right?

father: I won't be spoken to like that, young man, now get off that couch, and go wash dishes.
by Sexydimma June 11, 2013
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esta frase es lo que es, un me como a tu perro y a tu abuela si no vas y das stream a walls, icarus falls y por supuesto fine line
me como a tu perro
by cucutreameloido September 2, 2020
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A person with emo-like traits but istead of the goth aesthetic they choose for a collourfull expression
Kid: "You talk like you're and emo"
Kid²: "Im not emo im COMO!!!"
by Motherfucker, imbecile March 7, 2023
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The founding members of the earth, on the third day God created Como. To bring balance and order to the universe. Como gains their powers from the magic elixir of life, Chocolate milk. It is a long and tenuous journey to try and join Como. Many have tried and died in the process. The sacred nature of Como makes many go through hellish challenges. If you ever swear on Como and you lied, you must drink your friends urine mixed with chocolate milk whilst also having your nuppy tuppy tickled.
I swear on Como that David is a homosexual
by Mr McNaisalSpray June 14, 2022
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A gay person with a trash haircut
Matt : did you see Jack today
James : yeah he’s such a Como
by Gibstar Je November 17, 2018
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