St Clement's, also known as is an amazing school located by Young and Eglinton. while many other schools like to poke fun at it for being smaller and quieter, it's actually a great school! The girls there have beauty and brains. It is very prestigious and only has a 2% acceptance rate so you are lucky if you ever get to attend. St Clement's has a very small population but a large impact on the community. It's very diverse and socially conscious with a broad population from nerds, and party girls you will always find a way to fit in.
Boy 1: She's so pretty and smart I wish there were more girls like her.

Boy 2: Beauty and Brains? She must go to St. Clement's!!
by classygal12345 January 25, 2021
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A psycho who likes to betray and double cross their friends. A moondog clement has a lot of people out to get her especially when she messes with their lunch.
What the heck! Why is there garlic all over my apple?”
“Oh this must be the work of a moondog clement”
by Jenky Jenkins April 28, 2018
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The unfortunate circumstance of a defensive player who is carrying the football carelessly en-route to a touchdown after a turnover and an opposing player comes from behind and punches the ball out.
On 10/3/2010 49ers d-back Nate Clements intercepted a pass at mid field in a game against the Falcons with little time left on the clock and a lead. Had he run out of bounds, his team would have easily gone on to win their first game of the season. Nate Clements instead chose to return the interception and while waiting for blocks to set up, was chased down by Roddy White and Nate Clements-ed. The falcons would go on to win on a field goal.
by The Amalamps October 5, 2010
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St Clements college is a school with idiotic teachers like Ms.farrel who has been teaching since the stone age,Ms beehan who is a dictator when it comes to religion
by Tobey maguire May 25, 2019
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