Chai - the speaker and gteacher of Tagalog. Mazin fun - ja? Ja!!! Tschuss!!
"Hey! Look over there! It's Chai! Teach us some Taglog, Chai! *Smiles sweetly*"
by TomG April 28, 2004
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He's super chai, he's so down to do anything.
by ICLM June 15, 2014
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A word said when something is out of the ordinary, it's not believable
by Sheri & Tasha May 14, 2003
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another name for coccaine...which can be used discreetly withought no1 knowing.
danny: eyup mate are you getting sum chays tonight?
dlt: yeh mate got some odered.
by Danny Scargill May 1, 2006
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you bought a 'new' bb lol jk the shopkeeper made you a chay
by bb9700chay May 11, 2011
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A lucky or deflected table football goal, usually of the scabby nature.
Orig. Takes its name from Chai Patel, master of the above goal.
That goal was such a chai..
by Jibber April 18, 2005
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8=====)its your dick, peter wenie, pee pee, PENIS
I just got chay slapped.
by gymp_vox April 19, 2007
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