The pompous spew of an overeducated, self-righteous brainiac.
Dude, that quantum existential fartknocker is jacking some serious cerebral jizz.
by Jahmingus June 9, 2010
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Often associated with benge drinking when the afflicted has drank alcoholic beverages to the point where memory of events are erased forever.
Steve had drank an 18 pack of beer and two bottles of NyQuil when cerebral shutdown finally set in.
by xpumpman February 1, 2011
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Last week I had total Cerebral Bulimia prepping for that US Government final.
by pdxdougg September 20, 2010
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1. having gumption
2. willing to take a risk
3. ballsy
That motherfuck that just stuck his dick in the mash potatos has cerebral ballsy.
by schlacht April 23, 2005
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one that ironically lacks any complex reasoning skills
John: That guy didn't use his parking break then his car hit a school bus!

Joseph: He's a real cerebral juggernaut.
by Jordan Wooblehammer March 11, 2008
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Agro Cerebral refers to a genera. Usually relating to music, but other things in life can also fit into this genera. Agro refers to aggressiveness or anger and Cerebral refers to higher functioning and cognition. When placed together it creates a genera that includes anything that is aggressive/angry yet also intelligent or well thought out. Most anything that makes a significant change in the world could be considered agro cerebral.
EX 1: Rage Against the Machine, Black Flag, Common, The Clash, The Dead Kennedys, Tupac, Anti-Flag etc..

EX 2: Bill Maher totally rocked organized religion in his agro cerebral documentary Religulous.

EX 3:

Person 1: "Scott really freaked out in lecture today about women's rights..."

Person 2: "Yeah, Scott's been really agro cerebral since he started studying feminist history."
by Andy K!.. July 29, 2009
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