the most amazing person ever
lots of love to give
lucky to know or have
great listener
great helper
makes people happy

by iloveu June 18, 2008
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A friend that never gives up on you. Someone who will listen and support you no matter what. When you're feeling down, they hug you and they make your problems disappear.
Person 1: Is Brooke here today?
Person 2: Better be! I need a hug!
by Am emoitionless January 25, 2020
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So funny. A lovely person. Has a shoulder to talk to tall but not a giant. Skinny. Plays sports but favorite is soccer. All the boys love Brooke. And always nowa the gossip.
Wow how about that Brooke.
by Friend me August 19, 2015
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1) A word more along the lines of Gorgeous, Beautiful, Pretty, Glamorous... etc.
2) Sexually interesting or exciting; radiating sexuality: the Brookest professor on campus.
3) Excitingly appealing; glamorous.
by David Parton January 20, 2008
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An amazing person.. A Beautiful, Fun, intelligent, honest, girl.. A great listener, When I say shes beautiful I dont just mean her lips, eyes, hair,... or anything else even though she has some sexy lips and the most amazing eyes.. I mean her everything is beautiful about her.. Shes very special to me.. Shes a very very kind girl and loving in her own unqiue way.. Shes the type a girl a guy will give there whole heart to and no matter what happens they'll never want it back .. The kind of girl you wouldnt trade anything for
hmm.. Hi Brooke
by brookoshy February 4, 2010
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