When an individual, usually a female, uses incredibly sarcastic and insulting language towards you. This is normally done in front of a large group of people, such as at the mall or a restaurant.
Female: Hey buddy, can you hear? Cause I can!
Rod: Oh snap, a bitchy attack!
Whiteboy: Yep, thats a bitchy attack all right.
by Whiteboi-of-Chatown October 28, 2008
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A bitchy hoe can be used when describing someone who is loyal and you would do anything for. It’s an indescribable bond between 2 people.
Paige is my bitchy hoe”
by Shiznwosmsoznwns December 31, 2021
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A bitchy hoe can be used when describing someone who is loyal and you would do anything for. It’s an indescribable bond between 2 friends.
Paige is my bitchy hoe”
by Shiznwosmsoznwns December 31, 2021
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When someone is overly critical of another for the sake of being a bitch instead of a genuine observation.
I forgot my girlfriend's birthday so she's been bitchy picky all week.
by hge 09t8grmwn trvhwcrosjcp September 30, 2012
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The bitch kid who acts like it’s a law for you to bow down to her a kid who’s parents buy her everything she asks for and whines everytine she doesn’t get her way he or she usually treats all adults who don’t play the game or try to tell her something she will treat like dirt a kid who if you bring up whipping spanking hot saucing washing a mouth out with soap grounding no tv or taking a phone or doing something to be decent like sharing will through a level 50 out of 5 tantrum a kid who needs a good whipping every time they disrespect until they do better probably at teens already has sex toys and a car ASAP and is a a total brat
Bitchy kid throws a tantrum while with strict aunt and uncle

Old timer strict uncle takes her to bathroom and takes out his whip
Kid screams rape assault abuse help save a life
Uncle pulls down pants and underwear

Uncle spanks her with whip while she screams abuse

Whip whip whip whip whip
Uncle gives whip to aunt and says you take her in about to explode
Kid slaps aunt again and again
Old timey strict aunt pulls out paddle takes in bathroom and paddles long

Smack smack stack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

Other mom dam that kid is a bad ass bitch

Other dad yeah she’s a bitchy kid

Second snobby mean mom I’d give her more spanking until she acted like she was a perfect little angel
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An extremely bitchy person usually a girl. This person must continue to be the most annoying person you know to date.
E.g: John: Oh my God why is she so annoying
Jake: Oh that would be Tasha she is a Bitchy Mcbitch
by DonkeyMcButtFart August 17, 2015
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This is a word to describe how girls are fake, dishonest and evil to each other by doing sly, under the radar things to one another i.e. passing mean unsigned notes, sending rude texts, tagging things on bathroom walls, spreading rumors, leaving people out..you know bitchy like a mean girl, quiet and sneaky like a ninja.
As opposed to being a cool chick.

Related to the noun, ninja-bitch

"Uhhgg she is such a ninja-bitch, I know she's the one doing it."

"Stop being soo ninja-bitchy, just say what you need to say to my face."

"We should totally 'accidentally' go spill our drink on her...Well maybe not, may be that's a little too ninja-bitchy"
by Worksinaschool girl February 10, 2010
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