The sluttiest and the cheapest to freak w the person paying

The I'll do yo dick for a five dollar hit chick
She's a nigger bitch hoe.
, I need a nigger bitch hoe !!
by Coolito August 28, 2021
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An expression of lament of the situation at hand, means only a bitch or a hoe (whore) can make it better.
Bitch Hoe Bitch this is some whack shit!
by Mc Matt December 1, 2004
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usually used when adressing one of a lower rank. can be used as a friendly term to an associate or as a meaningful insult to one whom you disslike.

prety much just about a sick as versatile word.
dan: yo bitch hoe mofo, hows it hanging homeslice.
rob: yooo j dizzle, it all good in the hood.

hassim: aah you bitch hoe mofo, you be fucking my mama.
imma knife you.
mohammad:that's just harsh man

Jesus: bitch how mofo, the bread and wine is not for you.
disciple: ohh okaay
by marzipan592 February 10, 2008
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Bitch Ass Nigga Hoe is when someone sees something that suprises them and goes " Damn bitch ass nigga hoe!
Damn bitch ass nigga hoe look at dem tits!

Damn! Does tit sexy bitch!
by ReAp Fadez [YT] December 1, 2016
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Someone who consistently lies about things blatantly obviously.
"I didn't do it!"
*obviously has*
"You bitch ass liar hoe."
by mahdia_bitcho January 26, 2022
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When a man is being a dick and you're out of words to describe him.
Damn girl, he's really a bitch-ass-dick-hoe.
by fuod4ever August 9, 2017
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"Yo dawg did u see that gal"

"Yeh she a bitch face slag hoe"
by cowbaby April 7, 2009
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