Avery is the friend who will always be there for you. She will never ditch you and make sure that if she can improve in the friendship she will do so in a heartbeat. When she puts her mind to something she loves she will definitely achieve it. She always feels she is not pretty, even though she is stunning. Avery has great dedication, gets good grades, and is respectful to everyone. Avery is goofy and every time she walks into a room her smile and cheery personality brightens the whole room. People look up to Avery for great advice and if they want to spill their problems. She is sensitive and has a huge heart. Never lose an Avery because you will regret it in the long run.
friend 1: you know I'm very happy i have an avery in my life.
friend 2: hold on to her tight, she is amazing.
by dowhatyourheartwants November 28, 2019
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A sweet, sensitive guy who truly cares for his friends. Girls look out cause when an Avery comes your way your about to be struck by a bolt of love. Avery is the best friend anyone can have. You'd be lucky to have him. I am!
Look at him. He's such an Avery.
by Beautifulme619 June 13, 2014
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an averi is a hot girl who is smarter than most guys but doesnt care at all.they are crazy drunks and love to have fun.people make fun of averi's cause they are jelous.athletic.and has mostly guy friends cause girls are bitches.love to eat.everyone wants to be friends with an averi.
averi-"peace out b*tches"
by crazybitch9104 February 1, 2009
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An incredibly beautiful girl
Boy 1:Dang that girl is beautiful!

Boy 2 :Yeah her name is Avery
by Cy Renuk October 15, 2008
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Avery is not a name for the faint of heart.

A child (Boy or Girl) given this name will need time to grow into the name; but once they have, they won't let it go for any reason.

P.S. Although it is becoming common for girls to be named Avery, the correct feminine version is in fact Avril
Sally: Hey Adrian
Avery: That's not my name Dammit!
by Subtotal June 30, 2012
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An extremly hot sexy and gorgeous female. wonderful at everything she does
Boy:god u are such an avery! I can't stop starin'! Girl:I know
by Asdfghjll January 7, 2009
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A girl with a personality as big as her hair. Outgoing. Fun. A party girl. Pimp. Likes a lot of music. Pretty, nice, and sensitive. A great friend, a good person.
Boy: You remind me of an avery, I love you.
Girl: Im so happy to have a friend like you. Your such an avery friend.
by PurpleZebraPants125 March 22, 2009
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