a man incapable of committing. thereby he's a pussy. and an asshole. combined.. he's a pussy ass.
A: I heard they broke up. I wonder why.

B: because Mark was a pussy ass.
A: ohhh ok.
by antipussyass February 4, 2010
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1. A phrase to define a man who is wimpy and or because of taken actions or verbal complications.

This phrase is actually offensive to woman. Pussy ass: meaning to most, wimpy. Pussy is obviously associated to woman. (just in case you dont know a pussy is a vagina, which all woman do have.) This is saying that woman are naturally wimpy. which, is sexist against woman.
Person1: Damn that movie was scary.

Person2.: Are you kidding? You are such a Pussy-Ass.
by blahblahblahpie June 30, 2010
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The worst type of person. A man who is a combination of a pussy, and an ass. He is usually the type of man who is too much of a pussy to be a boss, and too much of an ass to know hes being a pussy. He also does pussy ass stuff on a regular basis. This type of behavior should never be tolerated.
I cant take a right on red, because the sign say's so.

wow dude, you're a pussy ass.
by ItchyRichie August 7, 2011
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When you have a pussy where your ass hole should be.
Dam, my friend justin has a pussy ass
by Carrots from erup December 19, 2013
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The bitch of bitches , no such thing as a bigger pussy , 2 phobia induced terror trauma , fueled from his #1 biggest fear -anthony lavacca and the lesser being his own shadow. the only thing that stops a fear induced choma is his biggest nightmare anthony lavacca actually haunting him in his nightmares during infinite sleep . People say things to him like" pelle you are a sissy nigga." Or "what a pathetic bitch"
Girl1- " so what happened with you and pelle las night "

Girl2- " I was drunk naked in his bed rubbing my pussy and he wouldn't even take his eyes off some stupid slot game on his phone"
Girl1- "wow you chill with some bi-phobic bitch ass pussy niggas , you needa get you a lavacca"

Sentence 2/next day

Pelle- "Ahshjhhaha (puke) (shits) zzzzz (faints)"
Lavacca-(to girl 2) -"weird no answer "
Girl 2-(stops suckin his dick) "he's a bi-phobic bitch ass pussy nigga your his worse nightmare "
by Lanadel gay June 4, 2021
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licking and fingering a vagina. Most people say that before humping the shit out of each other.
Hey sexy baby, can I eat that wet ass pussy.
by heheclapper69 December 2, 2022
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It’s like sisoring but you rub the pussy on the ass hole and it makes a funny sound like water dripping but it is your poop rubbing all over that perfect pink pussy
The pest thing to look up on pornhub is pussy ass because the poop spreads like come
by pewdieboi69420 March 1, 2019
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