A Canadian Prick, who is a non-member member of a non-clan clan.
Art is a Canadian Prick. Art is a Resident Prick.
by quiksilvr88 December 6, 2009
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Something that is either beautiful, amazing, and emotionally evoking... Unless it's something made by someone with REALLY good persuasive skills and/or excuses.
Art Dealer: So, what does this black dot in the middle of this gigantic canvas represent?
"Artist": Umm...
Art Dealer: Wait, don't tell me. It represents the small impurities in all things that appear to be pure!
"Artist": Sure let's go with that. It also represents contrast, negative space, etc...
by Ebony Chalk December 22, 2008
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The differentiation between art and craft:

Briefly, a craft is any form of creativity that lacks originality, or can be replicated from instructions or archetypes. Basically, all of those weaving things you did in gradeschool that your teachers praised you so much for, because you were a "natural artist."

An art stems from the concept of craft, but includes an added element of innovation or originality. Many have said that art is anything with no apparent purpose other than aesthetics- this is not true. Art can take the form of any craft touched with profound innovation, where profundity does not imply aesthetic alone.

It is the craft element of a piece of work that elicits simple emotion such as nostalgia or outrage, as the most basic of human emotion is not difficult to tease out, and such a thing can be done with a method that is duplicable through documentation.

For perspective, many young adults choose to migrate to a major city such as San Francisco or New York to attend an "Art School" such as the Academy of Art. Teaching art is an oxymoron, as the creative initiative would have stemmed from archetypes and proven methods- the stuff of a craft- rather than being of purely original, random inspiration. In this sense, Art schools are technically craft schools, and are useful in their supplement of foundations for art.

Many craftspeople claim to be artists, and often make money selling their acclaimed "art" to connoisseurs, though their success is more a display of insolence rather than talent, and when confronted about the artistic nature of their work they simply claim a single photo of a waiter "too profound to explain," a three-minute sap ballad "expresses their inner anguish," or that a blob of paint and rice randomly thrown on canvas is "Abstract." (Abstract painting and sculpture, much like free-form poetry and experimental music, rarely holds the form of art, as it is simply random. An artistic abstract concept still maintains structure, such as a defined rhythm structure, tonal density or predetermined lack thereof, or color and hue dynamics.)

The differentiation between a serious artist and a posing craftsperson is their level of modesty. When an artist holds a show, it will most likely be the only one they hold that year, and, most importantly, they don't set out to make a living of it. It may well happen if they are randomly successful, but there is no disappointment at never selling a piece because the art itself is a reward to have conceived.

Privileged upper-middle class student at AAU, who still claims to be "indie" even after submitting to standardized education- 2% probability of artistic talent.

Metalhead from a rural mountain town who's been playing from an early age- 5% probability of artistic talent.

Working-Class journalist with a love of Indian cuisine and horse racing- 8% probability of artistic talent.

Line cook in a shitty restaurant who despises his workplace but loves his job- 60% probability of artistic talent.

There's really no celebrity involved. Greater sacrifice means deeper experience and comprehension.
by Sloppy Grapevine February 22, 2009
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In any media, the process by which one expresses an intangible message in a tangible form.
The Mona Lisa isn't a woman, it is an expression of an emotion. That is what makes it art and not history.
by The Gecko October 14, 2005
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Is there anything that isn't?
Iam "Ah.... Art.... That was it.... That's was exactly it.... The moment we foresaw..."

Hym "That son of a bitch stole our moment! We've been thinking about that for weeks! And it just happened before our very eyes! It should have been us!"

Iam "....But then it would just be a self portrait... It would have been nothing more than a selfie..."


Iam ".... Yeah.... I saw it.... The juxtaposition... Of tragedy and comedy...."


Iam "Hmm.... So close to perfection... A perfect moment encapsulated in time..."

Hym "How are you ok with this!?"

Iam "We're the artist. Not the art."


Iam "................"


Iam "..... Hmm? Sorry.... I was thinking... I'll have to make a different one..."

Hym "WHAT!?"

Iam "It didn't look the way I thought it would... We have to do something else..."

Hym *Groans* "Uggghh! Ok. Fine. It didn't seem right. What was wrong with it?"

Iam "The proportions were off.... One was clearly offsetting the other..."

Hym "Hmmm... Yes... It was like staring at a crooked painting on the wall..."
by Hym Iam April 26, 2022
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1) When beauty, complexity, philosophy, genius and sensuality all have a gang bang together, this misbegotten but wondrous creation ensues.

2) What Jack Nicholson makes until someone dies.

3) Something that turns up in eXistenZ, when Willem Dafoe mentions a video games called ArtGod, as in "ThouArtGod".
Art. Who could ask for anything more?
by Fearman August 25, 2007
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