A time period in which many individuals commit dirty, unspeakable acts.
When Jimmy was alone at his grandma's house, he rubbed his penis on her good china for pleasure.
by The Rest of Leon August 16, 2005
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When you're the only lonely person.
"He is the only computer scientist around here" - "He must be alonely!"
by Brogrammer666 December 2, 2020
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The punishment of sins by self-imposed solitary confinement; alone + atonement = alonement
I was like, really naughty, but the alonement I did last weekend to make up for it sucked.
by Evil_Geoff March 21, 2007
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Alon is a nice guy with a temper. He might look like a turtle but if you can get past his looks he's a really good friend. Alons' usually play soccer but aren't that good at it. Alon is a meme loving boy and can be quite homophobic at times but dosen't admit it. He plays guitar and has a weird obsession with Shrek.
friends: Yo that guy looks like a turtle!
You: He must be an Alon
by lynneee42069 October 13, 2019
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sad because one is alone and has no friends or company.
synonyms: isolated, alone, lonesome, friendless, with no one to turn to, forsaken, abandoned, rejected, unloved, unwanted, outcast; More
antonyms: popular
without companions; solitary.
synonyms: solitary, unaccompanied, alone, by oneself/itself, companionless
antonyms: sociable
(of a place) unfrequented and remote.
synonyms: deserted, uninhabited, unfrequented, unpopulated, desolate, isolated, remote, out of the way, secluded, off the beaten track/path, in the back of beyond, godforsaken; informalin the middle of nowhere
antonyms: populous, crowded
"Im an alonely piece of shit"
"passing long alonely hours looking onto the street"
"the alonely life of a writer"
"an alonely stretch of country lane"
"an alonely road"
by B-loved Dominator January 13, 2018
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Alon means man who can't stop taking drugs
Dude that man look like he is a alon
by Da best person November 22, 2017
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An aloner is a boner you get from a lot less stimulation than you normally would. The aloner is caused by a decline in sexual activity or seeing live nude women.
Patty broke up with me and now I get aloners looking at Seventeen magazine.
by pappy July 18, 2004
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