Used to be way cool back in their Put Up Or Shut Up days.
Now they are trying to sell to the mainstream too much.
I still love them.

And it seems that 49582356 more people I know like them and say they are there biggest fan after Nothing Personal.

Come on guys.
Me: All Time Low is starting to let me down ):
My other friend: I used to love them. Now it's All Time Blow- Personal.
by alltimeblow-nothingpersonal August 26, 2009
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A fucking rad punk-pop band. If you haven't looked them up, I suggest you do that...
Person: Heyyy wassup??
Me: Listening to All Time Low <3
Person: Who the hell is All Time Low?
Me: YOU'RE AN IDIOT. They're amazing. You should be ashamed of yourself...
by Marissa Gaskarth <3 December 28, 2011
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Sex Gods.

Walking, living breathing humans who are semi God-like. They are sort of like vampires because they entrance you with their ways and their voices. You will never want to not listen to their music. They're beautiful creatures.
Person A: Who's that?!?! They're amazing!!!
Person B: That's All Time Low. And yes, yes they are.
Person A: I think I'm in love. <3____________<3
by harryputter June 22, 2011
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A band from Maryland that girls from about 11-15 years of age obese over. They combine emo with forms pop-punk and wear neon colored skinny jeans and related items. Some lower-level human beings that actually listen to this classify it as "pop-punk" but it's really not. Some (good) pop-punk bands include : Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, and even Blink-182. If you ever see a girl in high school that still think this band is "supa sexy," she might have a mental condition.
Maybe about 80-100% of the articles below that are justifying this band are written by confused female teenagers.
"Cool" dude: Did you hear All Time Low's newest album yet?

Guy: Sorry but I'm straight.
by MATTVEIGHSKI April 30, 2010
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Noun. A public house, a bar. Rhyming slang on 'boozer'. See 'boozer'. British.
"Wanna go get a coupla drinks at the old all time loser?"
by Alex Quantashassle February 13, 2005
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By far, one of the most cliche bands out in this generation other than Fall Out Boy and The Academy Is. Basically, the band that makes Forever The Sickest Kids look like The Backstreet Boys.

ATL is in fact a punk / pop alternative band who's hype is unneeded, over rated, and completely shit filled in fail. To the brim of honesty, if you find yourself liking this band, either you have no life, you are a "preppy" style girl, or you are precisely 13-16 years old.

Worst band ever. Right beside Fall Out Boy.
Guy 1: Hey, did you hear about All Time Low at the Warped Tour?
Guy 2: Yeah, I heard they blew.
Guy 3: I wish I could throw my Monster at them.
by Caiden L September 20, 2008
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an annoying bunch of pre pubescent cunts with emo hair and links to blink 182, wannabes.
They abuse great apes in thir music video and sing about ''maria'' like dont every emo have a maria or ashley already?.
their fuckin annoying with the cheapest videos u even seen.
whso the gay emos crawling up mark hoppus ass hole?
oh thats just all time low
by ava1987 November 30, 2009
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